Author Archive

Hail, Sovereign Grace, Eternal, Free!

June 2, 2024

Hail, Sovereign Grace, Eternal, Free!(by Don Fortner)1. Hail, sovereign grace, eternal free,So bountifully bestowed on me!Grace chose me in eternity,And sent my Lord to die for me! 2. T’was grace, God’s free and sovereign grace,That stopped me as to hell I raced,And sweetly forced me to confessMy sin so vile, my wretchedness! 3. Grace gave me […]

Posted in Author-Don Fortner, Free Grace not Works, Grace of God, Sovereignty of God Comments Off on Hail, Sovereign Grace, Eternal, Free!

The gospel!

June 2, 2024

The gospel! Octavius Winslow The gospelis the master-work of Jehovah, presenting the greatest display of His manifold wisdom, and the most costly exhibition of the riches of His grace. In constructing it, He would seem to have summoned all the resources of His own infinity to His aid . . .    His fathomless wisdom,    […]

Posted in Author-Octavius Winslow, Gospel Preaching/Proclamation Comments Off on The gospel!

I Plead the Merits of Christ

June 2, 2024

I Plead the Merits of Christ Remember, Lord, the blood and sweatOf Him Who more than paid my debt.Remember Christ upon the tree,And now be merciful to me. Remember how that Jesus bledIn this poor, guilty sinners stead.He bore your wrath and curse for meIn His own body on the tree. A perfect righteousness He […]

Posted in Christ and His Church / vital union, Christ`s work successful, finished /Substitution/Salvation, Christ, His person & excellencies Comments Off on I Plead the Merits of Christ

Have you found yourself in that place?

June 2, 2024

Matthew 27: 15: Now at that feast the governor was wont to release unto the people a prisoner, whom they would. 16: And they had then a notable prisoner, called Barabbas. 17: Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is […]

Posted in Author-Clay Curtis, Substitution / Propitiation / Atonement Comments Off on Have you found yourself in that place?


June 2, 2024

GOD SPARED NOT In 2 Peter 2:4-7; several times the word of the Lord says, “God spared not;” the righteous and holy judgment of God fell without any mixture of mercy on  many. The angels that fell were judged and cast out. The rebels in Noah’s  day were judged and with the flood of God’s […]

Posted in Author-Tom Harding, Substitution / Propitiation / Atonement Comments Off on GOD SPARED NOT

Christ Made Sin

June 2, 2024

Christ Made Sin “For He hath made Him sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him”. 2 Cor 5:21. Oh, what a great mystery. The sinless Son of God being made sin.  We can only stand in awe of this glorious truth. Like everything about […]

Posted in Author-Greg Elmquist, Substitution / Propitiation / Atonement Comments Off on Christ Made Sin

Not unto us

June 2, 2024

“Not unto us O Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy name give glory…” Ps 115:1. There are many messages in the world that promise salvation. Only one gives to God ALL the glory.  The gospel of God’s free and sovereign Grace in the glorious person and accomplished work of the Lord Jesus Christ, is […]

Posted in Author-Greg Elmquist, Glory of God, God`s attributes - All Soveriegn Comments Off on Not unto us

Bulletin Edition June 2024

June 2, 2024

“Not unto us O Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy name give glory…” Ps 115:1. There are many messages in the world that promise salvation. Only one gives to God ALL the glory.  The gospel of God’s free and sovereign Grace in the glorious person and accomplished work of the Lord Jesus Christ, is […]

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Unquenched, unquenchable!

May 26, 2024

Unquenched, unquenchable! (J. C. Philpot “Love in its Priceless Valueand Unquenchable Strength“, 1862) “Many waters cannot quench love; neither can the floods drown it.” Song of Solomon 8:7 The bride uses a figure which shall express theinsuperable strength of divine love against allopposition; and she therefore compares it toa fire which burns and burns unquenched andunquenchable, whatever be […]

Posted in Author-J.C.Philpot, God`s love / Mercy Comments Off on Unquenched, unquenchable!

The astonishing, the marvelous love!

May 26, 2024

(From Winslow’s, “Love at the Foot of the Cross”) The cross of Jesus inspires our love to Him.It would seem impossible to be brought bythe Holy Spirit to the foot of the cross, andnot feel the inspiration of love. Surely a believing apprehension of the amazing,the unparalleled love of Jesus, bending His lookof forgiveness upon […]

Posted in Author-Octavius Winslow, God`s love / Mercy Comments Off on The astonishing, the marvelous love!