God`s love / Mercy

Unquenched, unquenchable!

Posted by on May 26, 2024 at 12:14 pm

Unquenched, unquenchable! (J. C. Philpot “Love in its Priceless Valueand Unquenchable Strength“, 1862) “Many waters cannot quench love; neither can the floods drown it.” Song of Solomon 8:7 The bride uses a figure which shall express theinsuperable strength of divine love against allopposition; and she therefore compares it toa fire which burns and burns unquenched andunquenchable, whatever be […]

The astonishing, the marvelous love!

Posted by on May 26, 2024 at 12:13 pm

(From Winslow’s, “Love at the Foot of the Cross”) The cross of Jesus inspires our love to Him.It would seem impossible to be brought bythe Holy Spirit to the foot of the cross, andnot feel the inspiration of love. Surely a believing apprehension of the amazing,the unparalleled love of Jesus, bending His lookof forgiveness upon […]

All for you!

Posted by on May 26, 2024 at 12:12 pm

(MacDuff, “Encouragements to Patient Waiting“) Take a pilgrimage in thought, to Gethsemaneand Calvary! Gaze upon His sufferings! He knewall the sorrows that await Him–the shame, thesuffering, the anguish–but He takes the bittercup, and, with His heart set on the salvationof His people–with His heart set on you–theblessed Savior drains it to the very dregs! See Him on Calvary . […]

He loved them unto the end

Posted by on May 26, 2024 at 12:11 pm

He loved them unto the end.” John 13:1 The love of Christ for his elect is immutable and incessant. It is love surpassing thought. There is nothing like it in this world below. The narrow, self-centred thoughts, and words, and deeds of humanity cannot comprehend it. Our Savior knew that his disciples would all soon […]

A beloved child

Posted by on May 26, 2024 at 12:10 pm

A beloved child, watched over, cared for, supplied, and defended by your Lord! C.H.Spurgeon “For the Lord taketh pleasure in His people!” Psalm 149:4 How comprehensive is the love of Jesus! There is no part of His people’s interests which He does not consider. There is nothing which concerns their welfare which is not important […]

A gracious influence

Posted by on May 22, 2024 at 10:11 am

A gracious influence (J. C. Philpot, “Jesus, the Great High Priest“) The love of Jesus has a gracious influence on the life,conduct, and conversation of a true believer. The treeis known by its fruit; and those branches alone whichbring forth fruit unto God, are in manifest union withthe only true Vine. Love to Jesus is the constraining […]

The poor have the gospel preached to them

Posted by on May 22, 2024 at 10:07 am

“The poor have the gospel preached to them.” Matthew 11:5 J.C.Philpot What is the gospel? Is not the gospel a proclamation of pure mercy, of super-abounding grace? Does it not declare the loving-kindness of God in sending his only-begotten Son to bleed and die, and, by his obedience, blood, and merit, to bring in a […]

The ocean of Divine love!

Posted by on April 17, 2024 at 11:03 pm

The ocean of Divine love!(by Octavius Winslow) The love of God to His people was as eternalas the eternity of His being, as everlasting asHis uncreated nature. “I have loved you withan everlasting love.” It panted, it yearned foran outlet. It sought and found it in Christ. Nowhere in the heavens above, or in theearth […]

Eternal love!

Posted by on April 17, 2024 at 11:02 pm

Eternal love!-Spurgeon’s sermon, “Good Cheer for Christmas” Every child of God is the object of eternal love–love without beginning and without end.This is one of the fat things full of marrow. Is it so, that I, a believer in Jesus, unworthy as I am,am the object of the eternal love of God? What transport lies in […]


Posted by on April 17, 2024 at 11:02 pm

WE LOVE HIM, BECAUSE HE FIRST LOVED US           I John 4:19             We may differ on many points. But in this one thing every true child of God is like every other child of God-“We love him”. We do not love him as we desire. We do not love him as we know we should. We do […]