No more Sin

No more Sin

The Lord Jesus Christ was touched with the feelings of our infirmities. He was made in the likeness of sinful flesh, yet without sin. In a similar way, the child of God, who has a new nature, created in the likeness of Christ, is touched with the feeling of immortality. He is touched with the feeling (desires of the heart) for holiness and righteousness . . . yet without perfection. There is a new man inside, who is perfectly holy, yet there is an old man that keeps us in our imperfect state, subject to ( but not under the dominion of) sin. The child of God will not be perfected until He leaves this body of death. His whole being, body, soul and spirit, will not be perfected until he is clothed with immortality. Just as Christ assumed His glorified body and was no longer subject to infirmities, so shall we be clothed with our glorified bodies. What a day that shall be! No more sin!!       Paul Mahan.

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