Mar 16
“That gracious spirit of our brother Stephen”
“…and they (false brethren) were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he (Stephen) spake” (Acts 6: 8-15).
Of all the foul, revolting and blasphemous things which I have seen and heard in today’s religion, I must also rejoice with this scripture . . . none have been able to resist this books wisdom and blessed truth once delivered unto the saints. I have heard one scheme after another, many of which I was in agreement with years ago, but since the Wisdom and Spirit of Grace has touched the heart, He has shown THE path clearly and brightly. I am amazed that even in spite of my weaknesses and ignorance in many things He will not let me go the way of man. What comfort, what protection the saints of God have in the words and work of our Redeemer….’how firm a foundation ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in His excellent word’…!!! The wisdom and spirit by which we speak must find itself grounded and settled in this book of books, which tells of that everlasting gospel of the free grace of God in the face of Jesus Christ! May we never neglect its pages, nor think to lightly of its content!
Drew Dietz
No Condemnation and no Separation
Consider this dreadful truth for a moment. Our sin in fallen Adam charged to us has separated us from God, “But your iniquities have separated between you and your God” (Isaiah 59:2). In Adam we are, “…estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.” (Psalm 58:3). In Adam death and sin entered into us, “by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men” (Rom. 5:12).
But now consider this glorious truth for a moment. Our sin has been separated from us forever. Our Blessed Saviour came in the flesh and in our nature to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself (Heb. 9:26; Gal. 4:4-6; 1John 3:5). Now because of His glorious, full and eternal atonement for sin, the believer has no sin (Heb. 2:14-17). Our Lord said, “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us” (Psalm 103:12). He has also assured us that He remembers our sin no more, “their sins and iniquities will I remember no more” (Heb. 10:17).
This is the good news of the gospel, no condemnation and no separation but rather eternal reconciliation (Rom. 8:1, 32-39; 2Cor. 5:17-21). Tom Harding.
“…He hath made us accepted in the Beloved.” Ephesians 1:6
For a sinful creature such as I am to be accepted by God is one of the most amazing declarations of the gospel of Christ. Often to be accepted by others we must meet certain criteria that is conformable to their standards and rules, which sometimes may be justified as far as their understanding and convictions are concerned. However our Lord declares that sinners are accepted by Him in Christ according to the riches of His grace. Every sinner that God saves He saves in Christ and we are all partakers of His grace and are one in Him. All are freely justified, forgiven, and members of His body. The “us” in the passage speaks of the “oneness” which every believer enjoys in Christ. We are accepted because God the Father forever loves His people as we are chosen in Christ, Redeemed by Christ, clothed with the righteousness of Christ, and therefore accepted in Christ. Being in agreement with God every believer accepts each other much the same way…as accepted in the Beloved. Sinners forgiven, sinners justified, sinners accepting each other because of the sovereign grace of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God which is Christ Jesus our Lord. And it is as equally true that nothing can sever the body of Christ and destroy the love we have for each other because it is born of God. It is true that while we are in this flesh we will have disagreements and misunderstandings. But these things should never cause us to separate ourselves and distance ourselves from the fellowship of other sinners whom God has accepted in Christ. True, there can be no fellowship in the gospel with those that do not believe and preach the true gospel of Christ. But those who love Christ, His gospel and one another should seek to be ready to forgive, restore and even give the brother the benefit of doubt. Dogmatism is a good thing if it is not used as a weapon in the hand of pride. Compromise should be unheard of if we are certain and understand all the facts. This I understand, all that are accepted in the Beloved are sinners saved by the grace of God. We are all just alike in the flesh -sinners, and we are all alike in Christ – accepted. Tommy Robbins.
What Do Believers Believe?
Todd Nibert
I am sure that most people would agree that a Christian is someone who believes. On more than one occasion in scripture they are actually referred to as “believers”. But what is it that a believer believes? I’m not concerned about what different denominations believe. What does a true believer believe? The answer is Christ. It is not a what, but a Who. Paul said in II Tim. 1:12, “I know Whom I have believed. What we believe is determined by Who we believe. What does one have to know to be saved? He has to know Christ. What does one have to believe to be saved? Everything God says! He may not comprehend it all. But believers believe! Here are four statements that summarize what all believers believe. Once again, these are not denominational distinctives, but Christian distinctives. Every Christian will be at agreement on these things.
Believers believe the Scriptures alone. I realize some claim to be believers who do not believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant word of God. But that sounds more like an unbeliever than a believer! Believers believe the Bible. Our only rule of faith and practice is the Scriptures! While we can know things about God without the Scriptures, we cannot know Him without this book. The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself to man. We don’t go to the Bible to prove what we already believe, but to find out what to believe. But realize this. It will do us no good to say we believe in the inspiration of the Scriptures, and then pay no attention to what they say. The Lord said to the Sadducees, “You do err, not knowing the scriptures”. They believed in them. They could quote them. But they didn’t know what they meant. Again, Christ said to the Pharisees, “Ye search the Scriptures, and in them ye think ye have eternal life. And they are they that testify of Me .” They searched the scriptures, yet didn’t know their meaning. They testify of Christ! Believers believe the Scriptures alone!
Believers believe Christ alone. They look to the person and wok of Christ as their only grounds of acceptance before God. All of the blessings of God’s salvation are in the Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:3). We do not look to Christ and our faith, Christ and our good works, Christ and our experience, or Christ and anything else! We look to Christ alone as everything in salvation. His blood is our only sin payment. His righteousness imputed is the only righteousness we are justified by. He is our salvation. We believe Him!
Believers believe grace alone. Not grace and, but grace alone! God’s grace is what He does for the sinner. He saves by His grace (Ephesians 2:8). His grace does not make salvation available. His grace saves! Salvation is not what you do for God, but what He does for you. Every aspect of salvation from the beginning to the end is 100% grace. He elected us before time began by His grace (II Timothy 1:9). He redeemed and justified us by His grace (Romans 3:24). He called us by His grace (Galatians 1:15). The reason we persevere is because we are “kept by the power of God, through faith, unto salvation” (I Peter 1:5). To ascribe any part of salvation to the works, worth, or free will of man, is a denial of grace altogether! (Romans 11:6). Believers believe grace alone!
Believers believe faith alone. Salvation is not received by doing, but believing. But not only is Christ and His salvation received by faith. It is carried on through faith. It is saying that insofar as our experience goes, faith is everything. When we are born again, it is evidenced by believing Him. We are justified when we trust Him, and not until then. We repent when we look to Him. As we believe on Him, we can’t help but be filled with joy and love! We persevere by looking to Him alone! “The just shall live by faith.”
Actually, these four things cannot be separated. Someone who believes, believes the Scriptures alone, Christ alone, Grace alone, and Faith alone. If someone replies, “I don’t believe that”……how can you be said to be a believer? Believers believe!
Whom Jesus loved
“Now there was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved.” (John 13:23)
John refers to himself this way as though he wished to be known in no other way. What else matters about me if I am one whom Jesus loves? I need no other identity but this. What would you not give in order to be referred to thusly? Is there any higher honor, more secure refuge, greater riches or sweeter rest than His eternal, boundless love?
I would not be known as the disciple who loves Jesus, although I do so very deeply. The other is far more appropriate, for my love is just a result of His for me. It would be folly to emphasize the result rather than the cause. John did not identify himself in this manner as a boast of preference on the Lord’s part. It is certain that if He does love me, it is freely, in spite of what and who I am. There is nothing about me that attracted His gracious love. That’s what makes His love so glorious, that He extends it even to such a wretch as I.
I am not the wisest disciple or the most gifted. I desire that He might use me in every way He sees fit; but if He chooses not to do so, it is enough that He loves me. This is how Paul could profess to be content in whatsoever state he was. If I am an object of the Saviour’s love, then though I be wounded and imprisoned as Paul and Silas, I will sing of His grace with joy in my heart as they did.
I am certainly not the disciple whom the world loves. I am nobody from nowhere with nothing to offer and the world has no love for such. This world hates me and my God, but what matter?
Don’t carve upon my tombstone any flattery concerning me or my life. It would surely be an inaccuracy to do so.
This will be enough: Here lies a disciple “whom Jesus loved.”
Chris Cunningham