Sep 17
Kept From the Evil
Acts 14: 3, 4
Not only does the Lord Jesus Christ sanctify us by giving us the word of life in our hearts at conversion, but once the Lord Jesus creates this division between the believer and the unbeliever, between our old man and the new, between the spirit and the flesh, he also continues to keep us separated through this same word of his grace. Every time the gospel of Christ’s perfect atonement was preached to these believers, Christ Jesus continued testifying of the word of his grace in their hearts, that they were signs and wonders of his grace, kings and priest unto God, so that they held with the apostles (John 17: 14-19.) If the sinner is separated from the carnal heart of unbelief into Christ’s marvelous light and belief of the truth it will be through the word of truth, by the Holy Spirit, as Christ testifies of his word of grace. And if you and I will continue in the faith, separated unto Christ, kept from the evil of the ungodly, it will be the same way (2 Thessalonians 2: 13-15.) The word of truth is of utmost importance. Hear it while you can!
Clay Curtis.
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