Bulletin Edition August 2020

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” Romans 8:2


We by nature and practice are slaves to sin and Satan. We are the sport of the prince of the power of the air, who takes us captive at his will. We are held down also by many hurtful lusts; or, if free from gross sin, are slaves to pride, covetousness, or self-righteousness. Perhaps some idol is set up in the chambers of imagery which defiles all the inner man; or some snare of Satan entangles our feet, and we are slaves, without power to liberate ourselves from this cruel slavery. We groan under it, as the children of Israel under their burdens, but, like them, cannot deliver ourselves.

But sooner or later the truth comes to our aid; the truth as it is in Jesus flies to the rescue of God’s oppressed family; the blessed Spirit opens it up and seals it upon the heart with a divine power. As, then, under his gracious influences they believe the truth, and feel its power and savor in their heart, a liberating influence is communicated; their fetters and shackles are loosened; the bondage of sin and Satan, and the power and strength of evil are sensibly broken, and a measure of holy freedom is enjoyed. There is no other way of getting from under the bondage of the law but by the application of the gospel, and by believing what the gospel reveals. As the truth, then, comes to the heart as the very word of the living God, power comes with it to believe; faith is raised up to credit the testimony; and as faith begins to credit the truth of God and receive it in hope and love, there is a sensible loosening of the bonds; and then the chains and fetters drop off of themselves. It is with the soul as it was with Peter in prison–when the angel came, and a light shined in the prison, and the angel’s words fell upon his ears, “the chains fell from off his hands.” There remained nothing then to bar his exit; for “the iron gate that leads unto the city opened to them of its own accord.” So whatever chains or fetters may hold the soul, let the angel of mercy come; let the message of salvation be revealed, the chains of unbelief drop off, the iron gate of hardness gives way, and the truth makes the soul blessedly free (John 8:32).

As many heads as a Hydra, and as many lives as a cat!

(John Newton)

Beware of SELF! This is the worst enemy we have to deal with!






and self-boasting.

It is a large family — and I cannot count up all the branches! They are all nearly related to Satan — and they are all a sworn enemy to our peace.

If we lie low — then the Lord will raise us up.

But if we will be something — then His arm will surely pull us down.

That monster SELF has as many heads as a Hydra, and as many lives as a cat! It is more than twenty-five years since I hoped it was fast nailed to the Cross! But alas, it is alive — and still mixing with and spoiling everything I do!

(N.B. The Hydra was a serpentine mythological water monster with many heads.

For every head chopped off — the Hydra would re-grow a couple of new heads.)

“It is God who justifies.” Romans 8:33.

Octavius Winslow

Behold the eternal security of the weakest believer in Jesus. The act of justification, once passed under the great seal of the resurrection of Christ, God can never revoke without denying Himself. Here is our safety. Here is the ground of our dauntless challenge, “Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? It is God who justifies.” What can I need more? What more can I ask? If God, the God of spotless purity, the God of inflexible righteousness, justifies me, “who is he that condemns? ” Sin may condemn, but it is God that justifies! The law may alarm, but it is God that justifies! Satan may accuse, but it is God that justifies! Death may terrify, but it is God that justifies! “If GOD is for us, who can be against us?” Who will dare condemn the soul whom He justifies? How gloriously will this truth shine forth in the great day of judgment! Every accuser will then be dumb. Every tongue will then be silent. Nothing shall be laid to the charge of God’s elect. GOD Himself shall pronounce them fully, and forever justified: “And those He justifies, He also glorifies.”

The greatest religious deception

this world has ever known!

(by Don Fortner)

We are living in perilous times!

We are living in the midst of the greatest

religious apostasy ever known. Freewill,

works religion is the greatest religious

deception this world has ever known.

This man centered, man exalting, man

pleasing; God debasing, God hating

religion seems to engulf the entire world

and all religious sects. The world, for the

most part, has accepted the doctrines of


Any religion that is man centered; any religion

that has for its foundation man’s will, man’s

works, or man’s rights; any religion that promotes

the honor, dignity, and pride of man; any religion

that pampers and cultivates self righteousness,

self esteem, and self worth is antichrist.

These are indeed perilous times!

“For a time is coming when people will no longer

listen to right teaching. They will follow their own

desires and will look for teachers who will tell them

whatever they want to hear. They will reject the

truth and follow strange myths.” 2 Tim. 4:3-4

“And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom

the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his

mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.

The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance

with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of

counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in

every sort of evil that deceives those who are

perishing. They perish because they refused to

love the truth and so be saved. For this reason

God sends them a powerful delusion so that they

will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned

who have not believed the truth but have delighted

in wickedness.” 2 Thes. 2:8-12

If I wash myself with snow


By nature, man knows nothing of the purity and perfection of God—or the deep sinfulness and corruption of the creature. There is a veil over man’s heart—a veil of ignorance—of delusion—of unbelief—of self-deception as regards the nature of sin. No man is vitally and experimentally acquainted with—its hideous nature—its awful depths—its subtlety—its workings—its movements—its cravings—its lustings—the heights to which it rises—the depths to which it sinks.

But when the Lord the Spirit takes a man really and vitally in hand—and He truly begins His sovereign work of grace upon the soul—He commences by opening up to the astonished eyes of the sinner, something of the real nature of sin. He not only shows him the huge, high, wide-spreading branches of sin—but bids him look down and see how deeply-rooted sin is in his very being—that sin is not an accident—a faint blot that may soon be washed out—a something on the surface, like a skin disease that may be healed by a simple ointment. He shows him that sin is seated in his very bones—that this deep-rooted malady has taken possession of him—that he is a sinner to his very heart’s core—that every thought, every word, every action of man’s whole being—is one mass of sin, filth, and pollution.

And if he attempts, as most awakened sinners do attempt—to purify himself—to ease his guilt by lopping off a few external branches—if he attempts to wash himself clean from iniquity, the Spirit will teach him the meaning of Job’s words, “If I wash myself with snow, and cleanse my hands with lye, yet You will plunge me in the ditch. My own clothes shall abhor me.” (Job 9:30, 31). Until at last God brings him to this spot—that he is a sinner throughout—yes, that he is the chief of sinners—that every evil lodges in his heart—and the seed of every crime dwells in his fallen nature. When a man is brought here, he is brought to the place of the stopping of mouths—his own righteousness is effectually cut to pieces—his hopes of salvation by his works are completely removed from under him. Those rotten props are cut away by the hand of the Spirit from the sinking soul, that he may fall into himself one mass of confusion and ruin.

And until he is brought here, he really can know nothing—of a free-grace salvation—of the superaboundings of grace over the aboundings of sin—of God’s electing love—of Christ’s substitution and suretyship—of His atoning blood—of His justifying righteousness—of His dying love. He can know nothing of the rich provisions of almighty power and eternal mercy that are lodged in the fullness of Christ. He has—no eyes to see—no ears to hear—no heart to feel—no arms to embrace a whole Christ—a precious Christ, a Savior from the wrath to come—who has stood in the sinner’s place and stead—made full atonement for sin—fulfilled the law—brought in everlasting righteousness—and justified the ungodly!


by Don Fortner

“And I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord:

and they shall be my people, and I will be their God:

for they shall return unto me with their whole heart.”

— Jeremiah 24:7

There are some men and women in this world whom

God has chosen to salvation from eternity, who must

and shall be saved (John 15:16; 2 Thess. 2:13).

There is a multitude, scattered among the fallen sons of

Adam, in every age, in every nation who must be saved.

The number of God’s elect is so great that no man can

calculate it, though it always appears as only a remnant

at any given time.

The number is unalterably fixed by God.

All the elect must be saved.

Nothing can prevent their salvation.

The Lord Jesus Christ has made atonement for the sins of

God’s elect and redeemed them from the curse of the law by

his own precious blood (Gal. 3:13). Contrary to popular

opinion, Christ did not die for all men. He refused to even

pray for all men (John 17:9, 20). All his work was and is for

his elect alone. To say otherwise is to declare that his work,

his atonement, his intercession, all his work as the sinner’s

Substitute was and is futile, meaningless, and vain.

The death of Christ was for his particular, chosen, elect people

(Isa. 53:8; John 10:11) for the satisfaction of justice on their behalf.

All God’s elect, having been redeemed by the blood of Christ, shall

be called from death to life by the irresistible power and almighty

grace of God the Holy Spirit (Gal. 3:13-14; Psa. 65:4; 110:3).

Repentance toward God, faith in Christ, and eternal life are the

results of the Spirit’s call. Theses are things effectually wrought

in God’s elect (not offered to them) by his almighty grace.

There is specific day appointed by God in which each of

his elect will be called to life and faith in Christ by the gospel

(Psa. 110:3; Ezek. 16:68). God will see to it that the sinner whom

he has chosen will be in the place he has ordained, with his heart

thoroughly prepared to receive the gospel, at the appointed time.

And he will send his Word to that sinner in the irresistible power

and grace of the Holy Spirit. In that day, God says, regarding

every chosen, redeemed sinner, “They shall be my people.”

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