Bulletin Edition November 2023

      The monster!


SIN is a madness, disqualifying the mind for sober judgment;
a blindness, rendering the soul incapable of appreciating
moral beauty; it is in fact such a perversion of all the
faculties, that under its terrible influence men will ‘call
evil good and good evil, and they put darkness for light and
light for darkness, and put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter’
(Isa. 5:20).

To us in our fallen condition demons often appear more favorable
than angels, we mistake the gates of hell for the door of bliss,
and prefer the garnished lies of Satan to the eternal truths of
the Most High.

Revenge, lust, ambition, pride, and self-will,
are too often exalted as the gods of man’s idolatry.
While holiness, peace, contentment, and humility,
are viewed as unworthy of a serious thought.

O sin, what have you done! or rather, what have you undone!
You have not been content to rob humanity of its crown,
to drive it from its happy kingdom, to mar its royal garments,
and spoil its treasure; but you have done more than this!
It was not enough to degrade and dishonor; you have even wounded
your victim; you have blinded his eyes, sealed up his ears,
intoxicated his judgment, and gagged his conscience; yes,
the poison of your venom has poured death into the fountain!
Your hostility has pierced the heart of mankind, and thereby you
have filled his veins with corruption, and his bones with depravity.

Yes, O 
monster, you have become a murderer,
for you have made us dead in trespasses and sins!
The back door to hell?


Better not to have known the way of righteousness
than, having known it, to be turned back again.
The worst of men are those traitors who leave
the army of truth to side with the foe.

I believe in the doctrine of the final perseverance of
every true child of God; but there are in all our churches
certain spurious pretenders who will not hold on their
way, who will blaze and sparkle for a season, and then
they will go out in darkness. They are “wandering stars,
for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.”

Better far make no pretension of having come to Christ,
and of having been born again, unless through divine
grace you shall hold fast to the end.

Remember the back door to hell! Remember the back door to hell!

There is a public entrance for the open sinner; but there
is a back door for the merely professed saint. There is
a back door for the hoary-headed professor, who has lived
many years in apparent sincerity, but who has been a liar
before God. There is a back door for the preacher who can
talk fast and loudly, but who does not in his own heart
know the truth he is preaching. There is a back door to hell
for church members, who are amiable and excellent in many
respects, but who have not really looked unto the Lord
Jesus Christ and found true salvation in him.

God grant that this may wake some, who otherwise
would sleep themselves into perdition!

“O my God! my God! Am I, after all, mistaken? Have I
played the hypocrite, and must I take the mask off now?
Have I covered over the cancer? Have I worn a golden
cloth over my leprous forehead, and must it be torn away?
and must I stand, the mock of devils and the laughter of
all worlds? What! have I drunk of your cup, have I eaten
with you in the streets, and must I hear you say,
I never knew you, depart from me you worker of
iniquity? Oh! must it be?”

The Omnipresence of God

Octavius Winslow

“Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit? Or wither shall I flee from Thy presence?” Psalm 139:7
The omnipresence of God! How baffling to any finite comprehension! To think that above us, and around us, and within us—there is Deity—the invisible footprints of an Omniscient, Omnipresent One!

“His Eyes are in every place!” On rolling planets—and tiny atoms; on the bright seraph—and the lowly worm; roaming in searching scrutiny through the tracks of immensity—and reading the dark and hidden page of my heart! “All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do!”

O God! shall this Your Omnipresence appall me? No! In my seasons of sadness and sorrow and loneliness—when other comforts and comforters have failed—when, it may be, in the darkness and silence of some midnight hour, in vain I have sought repose—how sweet to think, “My God is here! I am not alone. The Omniscient One, to whom the darkness and the light are both alike—is hovering over my sleepless pillow!” O my Unsetting Sun, it cannot be darkness or loneliness or sadness—where You are. There can be no night to the soul which has been cheered with Your glorious radiance!

“Surely, I am with you always!” How precious, blessed Jesus, is this, Your legacy of parting love! Present with each of Your people until the end of time—ever present, omnipresent. The true “Pillar of cloud” by day—and “Pillar of fire” by night, preceding and encamping by us in every step of our wilderness journey. My soul! think of Him at this moment—as present with every member of the family that He has redeemed with His blood! Yes, and as much present with every individual soul, as if He had none other to care for—but as if that one engrossed all His affection and love!

The Great Builder—surveying every stone and pillar of His spiritual temple;
the Great Shepherd—with His eye on every sheep of His fold;
the Great High Priest—marking every tear-drop; noting every sorrow; listening to every prayer; knowing the peculiarities of every case: no number perplexing Him—no variety bewildering Him; able to attend to all, and satisfy all, and answer all—myriads drawing hourly from His Treasury—and yet no diminution of that Treasury—ever emptying, and yet ever filling, and always full!

Jesus! Your perpetual and all-pervading presence turns darkness into day! I am not left un-befriended to weather the storms of life—Your hand is from hour to hour piloting my frail vessel.

The omnipresence of God—gracious antidote to every earthly sorrow!

“I have set the Lord always before me!” Even now, as night is drawing its curtains around me, be this my closing prayer: “Blessed Savior! abide with me, for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent! Under the shadowing wings of Your presence and love, I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for Thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety!” Psalm 4:8

What a contrast!

(J. C. Philpot, “The Heavenly Sheepfold” 1854)

“But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” Mark 13:13


Saved from what?

Saved from hell!

Saved from an eternity of endless misery and horror!

Saved from the worm which never dies!

Saved from the fire which is never quenched!

Saved from the sulphurous flames!

Saved from the companionship of devils and damned spirits!

Saved saved from ever-rolling ages of ceaseless misery and horror!

Have you not thought sometimes about eternity?
What must an eternity of misery must be—when
you can scarcely bear the pain of toothache half an
hour! O! to be in torment forever! How it racks the
soul to think of it! What tongue, then, can express
the mercy and blessedness of being saved . . .
  from hell,
  from the billows of the sulphurous lake,
  from infinite despair!

When a soul strikes upon the ‘rock of perdition’,
it is at once swallowed up in a dreadful eternity!

Not only are believers saved from all this infinite
and unending misery—but they are saved into
unspeakable happiness and glory! They are . . .
  saved into heaven,
  saved into eternal communion with the infinite God,
  saved into the eternal enjoyment of His blessed presence,
  saved into the perfect enjoyment of that perfect and
everlasting love in those regions of endless bliss where
tears are wiped from off all faces!

What a contrast!

Heaven — hell!

Eternal misery — eternal bliss!

Ages of boundless joy — ages of infinite despair!

But salvation includes not only what we may call
future salvation—but present salvation. Thus,
there is a being saved in the present . . .
  from the guilt, filth, love, power, and practice of sin,
  from the curse and bondage of the Law,
  from the spirit and love of the world,
  from inward condemnation,
  from the entanglements of Satan,
  from worldly anxieties and cares,
  from following after idols,
  from carelessness,
  from coldness,
  from carnality,
  from every evil way,
  from every delusive path.

Supernatural light

(Joseph Philpot, “The Heir of Heaven Walking in
Darkness, and the Heir of Hell Walking in Light

“For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” 2 Cor. 4:6

Until, then, this supernatural light of God
enters into the soul, a man has no saving
knowledge of Jehovah. He may . . .
  say his prayers,
  read his Bible,
  attend preaching,
  observe ordinances,
  bestow all his goods to feed the poor,
  or give his body to be burned;
but he is as ignorant of God as
the cattle that graze in the fields!

He may call himself a Christian, and be
thought such by others, talk much about
Jesus Christ, hold a sound creed, maintain
a consistent profession, pray at a prayer
meeting with fluency and apparent feeling,
stand up in a pulpit and contend earnestly
for the doctrines of grace, excel hundreds
of God’s children in zeal, knowledge and

And yet, if this ray of supernatural light has
never shone into his soul, he is only twofold
more the child of hell than those who make
no profession!


“Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?” – Matthew 6:26

The birds have never used their songs to complain of their lot in life. They wake up each morning and live on what their Creator has provided for them, and do so without worry or complaints, and with a beautiful melody. How much more ought we to trust our Lord who died to save us? Maybe we ought to do a little more bird watching and imitate them. 

 Pastor John Chapman

Justice or Mercy

All men approach God in one of two ways. One pleads His mercy. The other demands justice. The poor and needy, the weak and wounded, the fallen and fearful, will come pleading for mercy. Their hands will be open and empty. The self-righteous, the proud, the strong, will demand justice based on something they bring in their hand. Those pleading mercy will know that the only thing that satisfies the justice of God is the sacrifice Christ made on Calvary’s cross. They will pray with David; “Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according to the multitude of thy tender mercies…” Those demanding justice will try to obligate God with something they have done. Their voices will be heard to say; but Lord, have we not done many wonderful works in they name? Justice demands reward based on works. Mercy looks in faith to Christ for grace. “Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.” Rom. 4:4-5.     

Greg Elmquist

When Is a Man Truly Saved?

“…when it pleased God…”

(Galatians 1:15-16)

Someone asked, “When is a man truly saved?” Well, my friend, to be saved is more than to believe in one God, the demons believe that! It is more than just trembling under the preaching of the Word, Felix did that! It is not only to hold an office in the church, Judas did that! It is not submitting to the ordinance of baptism, Simon Magus did that! It is not only to weep over sin, Esau did that! It is not just respecting the preacher, Herod did that! It is not to keep company with outstanding believers, Demas did that. To be saved is to know God and Jesus Christ Whom He hath sent. It is to be a new creature in Christ Jesus, regenerated and converted by the power of God. It is to believe on Christ with the heart and confess Christ with the mouth. It is a miracle and deliverance accomplished through the preaching of the gospel and the work of God’s Spirit.                                                                  

Henry Mahan 

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