Bulletin Edition October 2024

Married to an Ethiopian woman?

(The following is by Spurgeon)

“And Miriam and Aaron spoke against
Moses because of the Ethiopian woman
whom he had married: for he had
married an Ethiopian woman.” Numbers 12:1

Strange choice of Moses, but how much more
strange the choice of him who is a prophet
like unto Moses, and greater than he!

Our Lord, who is fair as the lily, has entered
into marriage union with one who confesses
herself to be black, because the sun has
looked upon her.

It is the wonder of angels that the love of Jesus
should be set upon poor, lost, guilty men!

Each believer must, when filled with a sense
of Jesus’ love, be also overwhelmed with
astonishment that such love should be
lavished on an object so utterly unworthy of it.

Knowing as we do our secret guiltiness,
unfaithfulness, and black-heartedness,
we are dissolved in grateful admiration of the
matchless freeness and sovereignty of grace!

Jesus must have found the cause of his love
in his own heart, he could not have found it in
us, for it is not there. Even since our conversion we
have been black, though grace has made us lovely.

“Most tender and faithful Husband of our souls,
pursue your gracious work of conforming us to
your image, until you shall present even us poor
Ethiopians unto yourself, without spot, or wrinkle,
or any such thing.”

Moses met with opposition because of his
marriage, and both himself and his spouse
were the subjects of an evil eye.

Can we wonder if this vain world opposes Jesus
and his spouse, and especially when great sinners
are converted? For this is ever the Pharisee’s ground
of objection, “This man receives sinners.”
Still is the old cause of quarrel revived,
“Because he had married an Ethiopian woman!
A staggering thought!

Spurgeon, “The People’s Christ”

I may be poor, but I have a brother who is rich;
I have a brother who is a king–and will he allow
me to starve or lack, while he is on his throne?

Oh! no; he loves me; he has fraternal feelings
towards me; he is my brother.

But, more than that: think, O believer!
Christ is not merely your brother, but he is your husband!
“Your maker is your husband; the Lord of hosts is his name.”

It rejoices the wife to lean her head on the broad chest of her
husband, in full assurance that his arms will be strong to labor for
her, or defend her; that his heart ever throbs with love to her,
and that all he has, and is, belongs to her, as the sharer of his
existence. Oh! to know, by the influence of the Holy Spirit, that
the sweet alliance is made between my soul and the ever
precious Jesus–surely, it is enough to quicken all my soul to
music, and make each atom of my frame a grateful songster to
the praise of Christ.

Come, let me remember when I lay like an infant in my blood,
cast out in the open field; let me recollect the notable moment
when he said, “Live!” and let me never forget that one day he will
espouse me to himself in righteousness, crowning me with a
nuptial crown in the palace of his father.

Oh! it is bliss unspeakable! I do not wonder that
the thought does stagger my words to utter it!

Saint, put this blessed thought, like a necklace of diamonds,
around the neck of your memory–put it, as a golden ring,
on the finger of recollection!

He is my Beloved, my Shepherd, my Savior and my Husband!

John Newton

The life of faith is a happy life.

Though it is attended with conflicts—there is an assurance of victory.

If we sometimes get a wound—there is healing balm near at hand.

If we seem to fall—we are raised again.

And, if tribulations abound—then consolations shall much more abound.

Is it not happiness to have . . .
  an infallible Guide,
  an invincible Guard,
  an Almighty Friend?

It is bliss to be able to say of the Maker of heaven and earth, “He is my Beloved, my Shepherd, my Savior and my Husband!

Oh, the peace which flows from believing . . .
  that all the events in which we are concerned, are under His immediate disposal;
  that the very hairs of our head are all numbered;
  that He delights in our prosperity;
  that there is a need-be, if we are in heaviness;
  and that all things shall surely work together for our good!

How happy to have such views of His sovereignty, wisdom, love, and faithfulness—as will enable us to meet every difficult dispensation with submission; and to look through the painful changes of the present life—to that unchangeable inheritance to which the Lord is leading us; when all evil shall cease, and where our joy shall be perfect and eternal!

The Lamb’s bride!

Henry Law

Revelation 19:7, “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to Him! For the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife hath made herself ready!”

Every true Christian is part of the redeemed Church—the Bride, the Lamb’s wife!

She was beloved by the Heavenly Bridegroom before time began, with an unfathomable and immutable love!

She is endowed by Him with all that He has, and with all that He is.

She has a priceless inheritance reserved in Heaven for her—pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay!

He has placed all the precious  promises as a treasure in her hands.

His providences guide and defend her path.

His righteousness is her beauteous robe, rendering her fit to shine forever in the palace of the heavenly King.

Her seat is prepared beside Him on His throne.

It would exhaust all time to give a brief survey of the glories which adorn her!

Jesus enriches His chosen bride with the best of gifts!

He withholds nothing precious from her.

All of His attributes are her grand inheritance!

 His wisdom is hers to guide her!

   His power is hers to uphold her!

     His love is as the sun to cheer her!

       His faithfulness and truth are her shield and support!

His Spirit is hers, to comfort, to teach, to solace, and to bless her!

His righteousness is hers, to be her spotless robe.

His Heaven is hers, to be her home!

His throne is hers, to be her seat!

His glory is hers, to be her crown!

His eternity is hers, that she may rejoice forever!

“Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb!”Revelation 19:9

I am my Beloved’s – and my Beloved is mine!

(“Every Day!” Author unknown, 1872)

I am my Beloved’s – and my Beloved is mine!” Song of Songs 6:3

The Lord Jesus Christ is not only the Father’s beloved Son – He is the believer’s beloved Savior.

Jesus is the object of a Christian’s adoring love – as well as of his hearty trust.

He loves Him – because He laid down His life to redeem him. He also loves Him for what He is in Himself. He loves Him for His personal glories, and for the excellence of His character:

“All human beauties – all Divine,
 In His Beloved meet and shine!”

He is to him the chief among ten thousand, and “altogether lovely.” What especially affords him satisfaction, is that he can claim Christ as his own – and that Christ also claims him as His own! His joy is supreme, when with assurance he can say, “I am my Beloved’s – and He is mine!”

Every believer who heartily receives Christ as his Savior, his Substitute, and as his Lord and Master, and who unreservedly yields himself to Him – is warranted to claim Christ as His own, and to know also that he is Christ’s.

“Oh! I am my Beloved’s,
 And my Beloved is mine!
 He feasts a poor vile sinner,
 With love and grace Divine!”

“Members of His Body, of His Flesh, and of His Bones”

Ephesians 5:30

The apostle Paul seems to stretch language almost to the breaking point describing the union of Christ and his people. Paul tells us that Christ dwells in us and we in him. We died to sin in him. We were crucified with him. We live in him. We are baptized into him and into his death. Christ is the Head and we are the body, bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh. He is the Foundation and we are the building. He is the Husband and we are his wife. For Christ to live is for us to live. For us to live is for him to live. Indeed, we are “the fulness of him that filleth all in all!

      We are one with Christ in all things. — Representatively one with him as our Surety from eternity. — Vitally one with him by grace and faith, as the vine and the branches, as the head and the body are one. — And assuming our nature, living, and dying, and rising again, our Lord Jesus Christ is one with us. He became all that we are, and makes us all that he is. And, now, “as he is, so are we in this world” (1 John 4:17).

Don Fortner

A union which will last forever!

(John MacDuff, “The Christian’s Pathway” 1858″)

“My Beloved is mine — and I am His!” Song of Songs 2:16

This is the language of the Christian in the book of Canticles. How great is the blessedness involved in such an assurance! My beloved Jesus is mine . . .
  in the dignity of His person;
in the suitability of His offices;
in the immensity of His love;
  in the efficacy of His atonement;
  in the riches of His abounding grace!
His righteousness is mine — to justify me,
His Spirit is mine — to sanctify me,
His power is mine — to defend me,
His wisdom is mine — to guide me, and
His Heaven is mine — to receive me!

And what does Christ say to the believer in return?

“I am yours — and all that I have is yours! I have boundless and unsearchable riches — and those riches are for you! I have happiness to bestow, such as the mind in its largest grasp has never been able to conceive — and that happiness is for you! I have crowns and sceptres at My disposal — and all those honours are for you! Yes, to him who overcomes, I will grant to sit with Me on My glorious throne!”

The Christian’s exaltation and bliss is not a matter of doubtful disputation. And what makes it so certain? It is the blessed truth that the union which exists between him and Christ — is an indissoluble union! All other relations, however close and endearing, must be broken. That union of husband and wife; and soul and body — has no power to resist the assault of death, the great destroyer.

All earthly ties must then be severed. But death, which breaks every other bond — only strengthens the bond between the Christian and Christ! Death, which quenches every other love — only kindles that of the believer for Jesus, into a purer and intenser flame! Death, which snatches every other object from our grasp — only brings us to the full enjoyment of Him, who is the fountain of life, the great centre and source of all blessedness.

Christian, rejoice in your union with Jesus!
The changes of time cannot touch it!
The storms of life cannot injure it!
The sword of persecution cannot sever it!
The damps of death cannot affect it!
The malice of hell cannot move it!
It is a union which will last forever! It follows, therefore, that you, if a partaker of it — will be rich forever, safe forever, dignified forever, and blessed forever!


 Under a dark, ominous cloud of impending judgment, the 

prophet Isaiah sees the “Sun of righteousness arise with healing 

in His wings.” And oh what a sight it was! Says he, 

“Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given…and His name shall be called 

wonderful” (Isa.9:6). His name shall be called “Wonderful” 

because He IS “wonderful!” He is wonderful to the holy angels, 

and He is wonderful to the saints of God, those who know Him.

 “Wonderful” is a powerful adjective. A wonderful person is One 

who excites wonder; One who is extraordinary, One who is 

astonishing, One who is amazing, One who is separate and 

distinguished from others. “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son 

is given”–the gloriously unique, incomparable God-man! He is 

indeed “wonderful!”

 “Without controversy great is the mystery of 

godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, 

seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the 

world, received up into glory” (I Tim. 3:16). 

The saints of God stand in wonder, adoration, and awe before this One!!

 He is wonderful in all that He is, all that He says, all that He has 

done, and all that He is doing. He is wonderful as the 

Representative, Substitute, and Surety of His people!!

 – a sovereign, sufficient, successful, satisfied Savior! In all of His 

glorious work of saving His people, from the very beginning to the 

end – He is wonderful!

 He came from the highest heaven to the lowest hell to bring those who deserved the lowest hell to the 

highest heaven – He is wonderful!

 “He shall not fail nor be discouraged” (Isa. 42:4; 53:11). In His faithfulness to save, He is 

wonderful! “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou SHALT be 

saved” – He is wonderful! 

 The saints of God never cease to wonder at their Lord and 

Saviour. They wonder at Him as they see Him in His Word, as they 

see Him in His Providence, and as they see Him in their salvation, 

now and throughout eternity. “His name shall be called 

WONDERFUL” – and it WAS, and IS! 

Maurice Montgomery

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